Uncovering You 5 Confessions edition by Scarlett Edwards Romance eBooks

Uncovering You 5 Confessions edition by Scarlett Edwards Romance eBooks
Just when I thought I would forever hate the monster that is Stonehart, he flips again to one of his multiple personalities and he becomes a decent man... is this man for real? Is he all an act? Why is there such an attraction to such a complex character?Lilly is such a survivor. She is bound and determined to live through this ordeal and extract her revenge. In the meantime, as she is taken on this unprecedented journey with Stonehart, she discovers a facet of him he has kept hidden. Can this man really have a vulnerable side? Is it possible he is falling in love with her? Or is this just an obsession?
Scarlett Edwards has once again blown me away with her gift for storytelling. For those of you who like their stories with a sharp edge and the complexities of the psyche, this story will not disappoint. I am now looking forward to the next installment where I hope we will discover more of this complicated man and his obsessions.

Tags : Uncovering You 5: Confessions - Kindle edition by Scarlett Edwards. Romance Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.,ebook,Scarlett Edwards,Uncovering You 5: Confessions,Haven Publishing, Limited.,Fiction Romance Contemporary,Fiction Romance Suspense
Uncovering You 5 Confessions edition by Scarlett Edwards Romance eBooks Reviews
Am I sick or what? I was so excited to finally be able to read #5 because I was waiting for #6 to come out first. Boy am I glad I did. Lilly is getting smarter of her situation but I believe she is in love with him but is fighting it so hard because she has so much doubt because of Stoneheart. I understand though. Now with things coming out in the open. Book 6 I hope will be a really great ride. Scarlett I hope you don't disappoint me.
At book 5 I would have liked to have had more. The same long winded dialog from the main character Lilly is getting old, just like Jeremy's predictable torture and adult tantrums that are off the whim. For the length of the books and the high prices for them, I will not continue on reading the rest of the series. It's disappointing that the author is dragging out this story. Just as disappointing as the price (
Amazingly intriguing and brilliant work of writing, cleverly crafted by a talented author. This was my second time reading this book. The characters remain as poignantly fastening today as the first time I read this book.SCARLETT EDWARDS is a master storyteller who knows how to bring a story about people caught up in a twisted tale of revenge, passionate betrayal and suspense to life for the readers. This is a classic drama that will leave you wanting more.
Once again, Scarlett has managed to give us another 5 star book in the story of Jeremy & Lilly. In this book, we see a side to Jeremy that has remained hidden up to this point. There is a big shift in the tone of their relationship! We do not see any physical violence toward Lilly in UY5, but there are still manipulations in the works. If you have read Uncovering You 1-4, I highly recommend you pick this one up as well. This book was definitely worth the wait for the re-write, and a lot of vital information and answers are given to us. I am an impatient person, but I have to say, I can not imagine this story being any better than what Scarlett has given us here.
We start where we left off at the end of UY4.
Lilly is in the dark. Everything has been taken away from her. She may have despised her captivity in the past, but now, her world is more cold, dark and lonely, than ever before. When her punishment is over, things have changed.....
Scarlett Edwards definitely picked the perfect title for this installment Confessions
con·fes·sion [kuhn-fesh-uhn]
1. acknowledgment; avowal; admission a confession of incompetence.
2. acknowledgment or disclosure of sin or sinfulness, especially to a priest to obtain absolution.
3. something that is confessed.
In Uncovering You 5, we get many things from Jeremy that we have been aching for from the start. Jeremy begins to open up to Lilly about himself. He allows her to speak her mind more freely without fear of consequence, but calls her out when she's pressing her luck. We get to see Jeremy reign in his emotions when he begins to lose control. Where, in the past, he has punished Lilly as a result of him losing control. Jeremy shows a lot more emotion and affection towards Lilly, and he does so freely. He seems to be genuine in his desires for her and he speaks of a future with her. His future does not include contracts and collars or TGB's.
In UY5, Lilly seems to gain her focus and begin to plot ways of revenge against Jeremy. A huge question is answered in this installment as to where their pasts intersect. We get the answer, but not resolution from it. It is clear that when Jeremy reveals this commonality from their past, that he is very proud of the shock and chaos he has created for Lilly. Jeremy maintains that he has feelings for Lilly and wants her around for "more". Many new questions arise as a result of the information we receive in this book.
We are introduced to Charles, Jeremy's Chef, in this installment. Not much is given to us about him. I am curious though . . . when he first met Lilly, he looked to Jeremy for permission to shake her hand. He bowed when he met her and when he left the room, even though he was accompanying them for dinner. Rose talked about Lilly's time "away" as though it were her choice, but she knows where Lilly was and why. I think that Rose was vague so that Charles would not be aware of the truth. I have many questions about Charles.
Jeremy takes Lilly away for a week together without interruptions. The vacation ends up being wonderful. Lilly has a great time with Jeremy and they enjoy their time together. Then, Lilly has an accident and gets hurt. This ends up being a turning point in their relationship. Jeremy realizes how important Lilly is to him and stops hiding it with all of his control. A big step is taken and both Jeremy and Lilly are put to the test.
We are left at the end of Uncovering You 5 with an idea of what is coming, and a threat of the consequences if it does not go the right way . . . "If so much as one toe steps out of line... Well, nothing that you've been subject to in the past will compare to what I'll do to you then."
I am very excited to see how this plays out in Uncovering You 6!
Thank you Scarlett for another captivating book! I can not wait to see what you have for us next!
I am a little confused. This book is good but it is identical to Consequences, Truth and Convicted. Different characters but same story as well as the house keeper. Just leads me to believe the ending will be the same. Does this mean the author is just copying another author?
This is one of the more story driven (as opposed to sex driven) series I’ve read in a good while. My complaint is that these stories are not complete-they should really be compiled into one really great novel. I’m tempted at the end of every one to quit, instead of pay for another snippet of the story. The stories take a handful of hours to read, then I’m forced to pay more to continue. Not cool. Which is why I’m giving 3 stars. The writing is 5 star, the story is 5 star, the characters are 5 star-but I’m 5 novellas (I’m not about to call them novels) in and broke.
This book series "Uncovering You" by Scarlett Edwards is so unbelievably good. I can't put it down! I'm reading until 2 am each day and then can't wait until I can get back to it that evening! I dream about it at night! What a well written book! I am glad that she is making these following books longer. This is a must read book!
Just when I thought I would forever hate the monster that is Stonehart, he flips again to one of his multiple personalities and he becomes a decent man... is this man for real? Is he all an act? Why is there such an attraction to such a complex character?
Lilly is such a survivor. She is bound and determined to live through this ordeal and extract her revenge. In the meantime, as she is taken on this unprecedented journey with Stonehart, she discovers a facet of him he has kept hidden. Can this man really have a vulnerable side? Is it possible he is falling in love with her? Or is this just an obsession?
Scarlett Edwards has once again blown me away with her gift for storytelling. For those of you who like their stories with a sharp edge and the complexities of the psyche, this story will not disappoint. I am now looking forward to the next installment where I hope we will discover more of this complicated man and his obsessions.

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