448 Psychosis Modern Plays Sarah Kane 9780413748300 Books

448 Psychosis Modern Plays Sarah Kane 9780413748300 Books
I've read many of Sarah Kane's plays...and hated them all. However, this specific play of hers hits so deaply at what it means to be truly depressed, it's scary. 4.48 psychosis represents 4:48 am, the time when most people commit suicide. This in itself show how horribly, and yet beautifully, intense this book is. In fact, this was Sarah Kane's last play before she committed suicide, very soon afterwards. The writing of the play is completely manifested to meet with the minds of those who are depressed, with words scattered across the page...repeated phrases...intense images...and much more. If you're trying to do a quick and easy play to this one, forget it. However, if you can ever find a way to make this play come alive on the stage, i'll travel anywhere to watch it. This book is for the lover of vocabulary, the person trying to find the perfect words to describe an intense emotion and sense of mind. This may be the one play that accomplishes it completely. It's short and worth it...I gauruntee it'll interest you.
Tags : 4.48 Psychosis (Modern Plays) [Sarah Kane] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. 4.48 Psychosis was written throughout the autumn and winter of 1998-99 as Kane battled with one of her recurrent bouts of depression. On February 20,Sarah Kane,4.48 Psychosis (Modern Plays),Methuen Drama,0413748308,General,102980 Methuen Drama Deep Backlist,DRAMA European English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh,DRAMA General,Drama,European - English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh,General & Literary Fiction,Great BritainBritish Isles,Modern fiction,Non-Fiction,Plays,Plays Drama,Plays, playscripts,Playscript,ScholarlyUndergraduate,TEXT,Fiction
448 Psychosis Modern Plays Sarah Kane 9780413748300 Books Reviews
I read the text three times this year and saw a german performance on stage. I think the text is difficult to perform because there is no real dialogue in the text. The play is like a poem to me. The more you read the text, the more you feel the rhythm of the words.
The play consists of an inner monologue about the feelings and experiences of Sarah Kane. This is intersected by a dialogue between her and a doctor. The central aspect of the play is the unanswered love to a person she will never meet. It causes the pain she describes in her monologue. Her medical treatment in hospital influences the drama. She wants to detach the body from the soul. In this moment she can only be by herself, especially when she cuts her arms. It gives her the energy to go on because she wants to live. In the end she hasn't got the strength to carry on because her love is unrequited. The psychosis on 4.48 in the morning is the result of the lack of happiness in her life. The problems she shows us in the text are common in everyone lives but it is not as extreme in ours as in hers.
After forty pages you feel a void and a desired to cease the tension. But you can't help it. Let Sarah go and don't idolize her.
What a tragedy that this prodigiously talented British playwright died at 29 (suicide by hanging). Her magnificent final play is sui generis the author's unique literary voice should result in her name entering the English language as an adjective because no words exist to describe adequately her writing even if you are an eternal optimist, don't even know what being "5150'ed" means, read this play and you will experience vicariously the cut-to-the-bone-marrow agony of extreme psychosis. A genius-level talent but not for those who enjoy books in the Wayne Dyer vein.
I used this play in a college assignment and it worked out perfectly.
I was intrigued by this book because it was written by a bipolar woman who committed suicide. The book had some interesting moments, but overall, it didn't impress me as something worth publishing.
I've read many of Sarah Kane's plays...and hated them all. However, this specific play of hers hits so deaply at what it means to be truly depressed, it's scary. 4.48 psychosis represents 448 am, the time when most people commit suicide. This in itself show how horribly, and yet beautifully, intense this book is. In fact, this was Sarah Kane's last play before she committed suicide, very soon afterwards. The writing of the play is completely manifested to meet with the minds of those who are depressed, with words scattered across the page...repeated phrases...intense images...and much more. If you're trying to do a quick and easy play to this one, forget it. However, if you can ever find a way to make this play come alive on the stage, i'll travel anywhere to watch it. This book is for the lover of vocabulary, the person trying to find the perfect words to describe an intense emotion and sense of mind. This may be the one play that accomplishes it completely. It's short and worth it...I gauruntee it'll interest you.

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