Revealed Number 11 in series House of Night eBook Kristin Cast P C Cast

Revealed Number 11 in series House of Night eBook Kristin Cast P C Cast
I was so excited for this book to come out. I have waited over a year for Revealed and I must say, that was a big waste of my time. I loved this series in the beginning and now it is just dragging on. It hard for me to grasp that some of these books are only taking a couple of days for all these events to happen. I feel like nothing really happened in this book. Yeah Zoey does something wrong and is freaking out about boys. I understand that she is supposed to only be 17, but seriously? She has bigger problems than boys, say a crazy immortal that wants her dead?I really hope the next book is the last one. I don't even really want to read the next one, but I want to finish this series. Usually when a series ends, I am so disappointmented because I want more of the story. Not with this series anymore. I just want it to hurry up and end.
I just feel like there could've been more to happen in this book or have more problems been fixed. We didn't even get to hear from Erik at all and it seemed Damien was prefectly happy. I'm sorry, but didn't his love interest JUST die like maybe a week ago from the story line? I feel like I might just be ranting on this story, but it was NOWHERE near as good as it could be considering it took a full year to get published. I think I will just stick with my indie writers for now because this book was seriously crap compared to what the Casts have put out in the past.

Tags : Revealed: Number 11 in series (House of Night) - Kindle edition by Kristin Cast, P. C. Cast. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Revealed: Number 11 in series (House of Night).,ebook,Kristin Cast, P. C. Cast,Revealed: Number 11 in series (House of Night),Atom,Children's Books fiction,Fantasy & magical realism (Children's Teenage),Fantasy romance (Teenage),Juvenile Fiction Fantasy & Magic,Young Adult Fiction,Juvenile Fiction Fantasy & Magic,JUVENILE FICTION General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fantasy General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance Paranormal,Young Adult Fiction,General fiction (Children's Teenage)
Revealed Number 11 in series House of Night eBook Kristin Cast P C Cast Reviews
I have read most of the books in the House of Night series so I decided to order this one and another that I was missing to complete it. After reading the reviews for this book I am now a little nervous to get to it as I am re-reading all of the books in the series before starting the new ones. This is my third time through and it is getting a little tedious to read because the writers do a LOT of recap in each book which I suppose is helpful if you are just wanting to read one without reading them all but gets really annoying after awhile. I hope that I feel differently when I get to this book and read it but from what I have read of the others who love the series and read/reviewed this book I am not looking forward to it as much as I was. I will update this when I finally get to reading it!
I have very few complaints about this book except that I truly wish it was lengthier. I don't understand why everyone is complaining about the "teenage drama" that seems to "run rampant" in this book; did any of you happen to notice that this is blatantly labeled as a "Young Adult Fiction".... About teenage vampires... In a school?
In any case, the themes I personally enjoyed about this book were much more intricate than this "teenage drama" label being thrown around. Questioning morality, battling against dark desires, & coming of age are all apparent themes but none should be taken so lightly & slapped with such a lame term.! It's not like these themes suddenly become irrelevant when we leave our teen years behind.
As always, I enjoyed the writing style of the Cast mother-daughter duo though I still find myself wishing for a much steady adult tone in more of the teenaged characters dialogue, however, I understand that it is done so purposefully to accentuate youth & inexperience. It does still lose my interest from time to time but I am a full grown, adult woman so I guess teenaged prattle should be uninteresting to me... Duh.
My hope for the next installment is that it will finally have the serious tone that I believe this series is deserving of along with greater length & detail. That is all. I would recommend that any House of Night lover not be deterred by the rude remarks of those that expect more from a series with such a blatant label.
As usual, I won't disclose a lot of details about the book in my review. I really believe it can ruin it for other readers. With that said
I have not seen any other reviews until I came here to put mine in. And WOW, it seems I am not the only one disappointed in this one! Even though you have your usual characters doing the usual thing Fighting evil and trying not to kill each other in the same breathe. You also have a few "little" (and I mean that LITERALLY) things change up in the story. However, most of what happens in this one, you can pretty much guess what is going to happen next.
The best way to describe how this book was put together is this It seems like the Cast ladies took a couple of chapters from the House of Night series to come and made a whole book out of it. When things actually start to happen, it's the end of the book. Everything before this is just......blah.
I am seriously disappointed in this one. The story is still good and you do have a couple of areas where you start to learn a little bit of what is to come. Hopefully when "it" does come, it will be an actual book and not a couple of chapters to make a book.
As for recommending it.....I am on the fence with that. Do you need to read it to know what is going on? Maybe "2" things in this whole book are suggestive in what's coming in the next book(s). If you are a House of Night die hard fan, then have at it. If you have read all the others and want to keep going with them, then have at it. If you think you can pick up the next book without reading this one and not be lost, I may have to agree with that. I still am looking forward to the next installment. Hopefully it will be more than a few chapters spread out.
I started this series on recommendation from a stranger and her daughter in a book store. I have not been able to set the books down from start to finish. I watch my tracking numbers until the book arrives at my door step.
This has been my favorite book so far. I am still reading my way through the House of Night Series but everyday featured in the book is an adventure for Zoey and her "Nerd Herd". I just cannot wait to see what happens next.
With Nyx above, Thonatos in the House of Night with Kalona, Aphrodite's visions, and other friends gifts the "Nerd Herd" might make it through. Thankfully there is always help somewhere and sometimes where Zoey and friends least expect it.
I was so excited for this book to come out. I have waited over a year for Revealed and I must say, that was a big waste of my time. I loved this series in the beginning and now it is just dragging on. It hard for me to grasp that some of these books are only taking a couple of days for all these events to happen. I feel like nothing really happened in this book. Yeah Zoey does something wrong and is freaking out about boys. I understand that she is supposed to only be 17, but seriously? She has bigger problems than boys, say a crazy immortal that wants her dead?
I really hope the next book is the last one. I don't even really want to read the next one, but I want to finish this series. Usually when a series ends, I am so disappointmented because I want more of the story. Not with this series anymore. I just want it to hurry up and end.
I just feel like there could've been more to happen in this book or have more problems been fixed. We didn't even get to hear from Erik at all and it seemed Damien was prefectly happy. I'm sorry, but didn't his love interest JUST die like maybe a week ago from the story line? I feel like I might just be ranting on this story, but it was NOWHERE near as good as it could be considering it took a full year to get published. I think I will just stick with my indie writers for now because this book was seriously crap compared to what the Casts have put out in the past.

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