The Lost Crown Sarah Miller Books

The Lost Crown Sarah Miller Books
I love history...and the Russian Romanovs have always intrigued me,however most usually the children and their personalities are glossed over. Or they are talked about as a group.OTMA is how the girls were referred to, but those 4 were deeply affected by their upbringing, surrounding and their parents woes. Naive and sensitive, intelligent but lacking in social skills, their growth was stunted in comparison to others in their age group.
Tho this book THE LOST CROWN is fiction it IS based on letters and diaries ,so the girls ( mostly - tho Alex is included) become PEOPLE not merely names. Heartbreaking in that the reader knows what the ending holds and yet, for some reason, hope remains. The time span covers the interim period of life in the palace and their deaths in captivity.
But they were loving young ladies who deserved much more than bullets and bayonets in the basement.

Tags : The Lost Crown (9781416983415): Sarah Miller: Books,Sarah Miller,The Lost Crown,Atheneum Books for Young Readers,1416983414,Kings, queens, rulers, etc,Kings, queens, rulers, etc.;Fiction.,Nicholas - Family,Revolutions,Russia - History - Nicholas II, 1894-1917,Russia;History;Nicholas II, 1894-1917;Juvenile fiction.,Sisters,Sisters;Fiction.,World War, 1914-1918,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Family & home stories (Children's Teenage),Family - Siblings,Fiction,Fiction-Historical,Historical - Military & Wars,Historical Fiction (Young Adult),JUVENILE,JUVENILE FICTION Family Siblings,JUVENILE FICTION Historical Military & Wars,JUVENILE FICTION People & Places Europe,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile FictionHistorical - Military & Wars,Juvenile FictionPeople & Places - Europe,Juvenile Grades 7-9 Ages 12-14,Kings, queens, rulers, etc.,People & Places - Europe,Russia,TEEN'S FICTION HISTORICAL,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Family Siblings,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Historical Military & Wars,YOUNG ADULT FICTION People & Places Europe,Young Adult Fiction
The Lost Crown Sarah Miller Books Reviews
The Lost Crown, a new novel by author Sarah Miller, is an excellent book of Romanov Russia. The book is about the world - famous Grand Duchess Anastasia Nicholaievna Romanov and her elder sisters, Olga, Tatiana and Maria. In alternating chapters narrated by each of the Grand Duchesses, Ms. Miller clearly brings alive the challenges and joys of being a daughter of the Tsar. Each character is very well formed, and different in their own ways - Olga the smart one, Tatiana the beautiful, Maria the sweet, and Anastasia the clown. Each of these girls take very different perspectives on their father's choices, and show how four different girls could form such a bond.
At the beginning is the happy times - aboard the yacht Standart, with their only worry their brother Aleksei's hemophilia to cast a shadow. Almost before the reader knows it, the war occurs, then abdication, and finally house arrest. The girls still hope - for a better life, for escape - but Ms. Miller creates a foreboding attitude near the end of the story, yet still Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia continue to dream of a better life. It ends in a cellar at Ekaterinburg, with the brutal Romanov Massacre. The way Ms. Miller chose to write about the massacre tore my heart to shreds, but after I read the Epilogue, I flipped it over and started again!
The Lost Crown was an amazing book of hope and dreams, sadness and fear, but ultimately, the love and bond of four sisters, whose world was changing around them, and when you finish, you'll be in awe that this actually happened for real - such a sad, tragic story, but Ms. Miller handles it with talent and personality that other authors might not even dare touch. The Lost Crown is a must-read for all teens - and every other Romanov fan, regardless of age.
I have read many books, both fiction and nonfiction on the Romanovs, but this is by far the most emotional and intensely tragic account I've encountered. Told from the alternating perspectives of the four sisters collectively known as OTMA (Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia), these first person narratives capture the personality of each character superbly. Since it's historical fiction, most readers will know how their story ends, but that also makes it more heart-wrenching to read, especially towards the conclusion, in anticipation of the demise of the Romanov family. The very last line of the book, delivered by Olga, is probably the most poignantly brilliant sentence I've read in literature in quite some time.
Those who are not familiar with Romanov history might find this a great introduction to the subject. The book includes an index of names and roles, Russian phrases, pictures and a summary of historical context. Each chapter contains a photo of the sister narrating which may alleviate any confusion a reader may have with the constantly shifting perspective.
The events are played out just as they did almost 100 years ago, which is a testament to the author's thorough research. I found that the dialogue as imagined by Miller is well written and sounds so authentic, with each Grand Duchess having a distinct voice. The characters are wonderfully portrayed, and witnessing their growing indignity and helplessness really moved me. I can't say enough about the emotional impact this had on me, so I will leave it to readers to experience it for themselves.
I knew I would enjoy " The Lost Crown" , but I didn't expect this level of was genius to have 4 , 1st persons , letting each sister tell their story as well as the story. Otherwise could never get this much history to blend with living emotions in such a direct fashion. I thought of Anne Frank while reading this book. How do you create and write 4 distinct voices that are one family as well? Somehow Ms Miller has.....these girls must have become very real to her, because they become real to us, the reader.
She has also chosen to focus on what I feel is the most interesting part of their lives....the years beginning with the advent of WW1. Though brought up in a sheltered world, each girl shows a remarkable mettle when facing the increasingly horrific situation of their later years. It's a testament to family unity and sisterly devotion.
I have been a Romanov enthusiast for many years and this book sparkles with the young people I have had in the corner of my eye and whose voices have rung in my ears all that time. It's kind of a shock to meet them in via another's words.
Ms Miller's ability to paint with words is also amazing and there is a marvelous tactile sensibility at work here. Seemingly every part has a jewel of a description that puts you right there.
I feel " The Lost Crown" will become a great engine, drawing to the family the new generation of Roman enthusiasts. But this time they will known the true history from the start.
I love history...and the Russian Romanovs have always intrigued me,however most usually the children and their personalities are glossed over. Or they are talked about as a group.
OTMA is how the girls were referred to, but those 4 were deeply affected by their upbringing, surrounding and their parents woes. Naive and sensitive, intelligent but lacking in social skills, their growth was stunted in comparison to others in their age group.
Tho this book THE LOST CROWN is fiction it IS based on letters and diaries ,so the girls ( mostly - tho Alex is included) become PEOPLE not merely names. Heartbreaking in that the reader knows what the ending holds and yet, for some reason, hope remains. The time span covers the interim period of life in the palace and their deaths in captivity.
But they were loving young ladies who deserved much more than bullets and bayonets in the basement.

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