The Secret Garden Children Classics Frances Hodgson Burnett 9780517189603 Books

The Secret Garden Children Classics Frances Hodgson Burnett 9780517189603 Books
I should have read the other reviews. Luckily, you are reading this... so move along.This is NOT "The Secret Garden". It is "A CONSIDERABLY ABRIDGED Cliff's Notes style childrens re-enactment of The Secret Garden". Nowhere in the description did it say that this was not the real book. It's like half an inch think written in 25 pt. font. My 10 year old daughter read it in less than an hour. Her last book.... Little Women. The real one. 800 pages. I promised her she would like this. Instead she just looked at me like..."really?". And I don't blame her. Seller should update the description.
Sorry, but anyone else leaving a higher rating may simply not realize that they received a fraud.
PROS: Very pretty cover. Hardback.
CONS: See everything I wrote above.

Tags : The Secret Garden (Children's Classics) [Frances Hodgson Burnett] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Secret Garden, a classic loved for more than seventy-five years, is all that its title implies. It is,Frances Hodgson Burnett,The Secret Garden (Children's Classics),Children's Classics,0517189607,Sale Books,Juvenile Fiction Classics,Fiction Classics,Fiction Literary
The Secret Garden Children Classics Frances Hodgson Burnett 9780517189603 Books Reviews
I never read this as a child, and I think I'm glad. Reading it now, as an over-60, garden-loving mom with lots of life experience, I think I appreciate it a lot more, although I would have loved the mystery as a kid. Now I can appreciate the serious racism, the sad child(ren) neglect, the rather pagan awakening to nature (clothed as "Magic"), and the joyous, if obvious, ending. I believe the writing was very good for its time, and had no problem with the Yorkshire dialect. Mary and Colin and Dickon all struck me as very believable characters, and the changes wrought in Mary and Colin were overall pretty credible, although they happened a bit too quickly. I had more of a problem with Archibald's rejection of his son for ten whole years. Dwelt just a bit much on the beauty and changeableness of the moors. Well worth reading.
I am not really sure how I missed out on this book as a child so I decided to read it with my daughter. We thoroughly enjoyed the experience and zipped through it in just a few days. Frances Hodgson Burnett shares some amazing insights into human nature with the reader. My daughter exclaimed at one point, “How can Mary see that Colin is spoiled but not see that she was the same at first too?” Led to some great discussions for sure! I also thought it was amazing that Burnett at times switches between different third person limited perspectives and we even have some of the events in the garden narrated from the point of view of the robin! Such clever writing!
Some reviewers complained about the fact that many of the characters speak with a Yorkshire accent and Frances Hodgson Burnett wrote it phonetically the way the characters pronounced the words. I thought it added to the fun! I tried to speak with the broad Yorkshire accent as I read it out loud and changed my voice for the different characters. My daughter and I both loved it. The Yorkshire dialect was interesting and we have been trying to throw some of the words we learned into conversation such as “wick” meaning alive or lively. From my point of view, that beats trying to throw something modern like “on fleek” into conversation!
People are naturally inclined to hand out the "instant classic" award to the books they like, but there are only a precious few books that can hold on to such a title for over a hundred years, (this was published in book form in 1911), and still stay fresh, engaging and appealing. This book is the source and template for so many children's lit conventions that it is hard to imagine a library without multiple copies.
You can sample the book as a freebie or in some other downloadable form, since it's out of copyright and readily available. Then, and better yet, after you read it and discover its pleasures, look for a nice edition to give to each young reader you know. There are easy to read books that are shallow, and there are harder to read books with considerable depth, but this one manages to be accessible to a fairly young reader and yet still loaded with fine writing, style, character, mystery, romance, adventure and inspiration. An excellent choice.
And while you're at it, take a look at Burnett's "Little Lord Fauntleroy". He's gotten a bad rap, (probably as a result of those Fauntleroy suits and haircuts that were the rage in the twenties), but he's actually smart , level headed, and shrewdly decent in unexpected ways. So go and get your Burnett on.
I should have read the other reviews. Luckily, you are reading this... so move along.
This is NOT "The Secret Garden". It is "A CONSIDERABLY ABRIDGED Cliff's Notes style childrens re-enactment of The Secret Garden". Nowhere in the description did it say that this was not the real book. It's like half an inch think written in 25 pt. font. My 10 year old daughter read it in less than an hour. Her last book.... Little Women. The real one. 800 pages. I promised her she would like this. Instead she just looked at me like..."really?". And I don't blame her. Seller should update the description.
Sorry, but anyone else leaving a higher rating may simply not realize that they received a fraud.
PROS Very pretty cover. Hardback.
CONS See everything I wrote above.

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